Meow, Purrr, hello I am back to write my blog, and tell you what me and the girls have been up to, my mum has been very busy so we are catching up on the goings on, my mum is on the typy thing for me, its has been very very hot this week, we have had a Indian summer as they call it it actually broke the record here in the UK as the hottest day, on the 2nd of october it was 29.9c that is really hot for us in October, we have had really hot days in the summer but not this late on, it looks really strange really hot and the leaves are coming off the trees, some animals wont know when to hibernate, and some plants my mum has said have started flowering again, me and the girls have been climbing up on the very top of our climbing frame, being very very lazy sleeping lots and lots we so need our beauty sleep, and we have been watching our calf friends and the woofys have been coming in to see us lots of times. Tonight me and the girls are watching, the great big machines,they are out in the fields with all there great big lights on near us, cutting the maize silage, they are getting on with it before the weather breaks and then it will get cold again, we had had a lot of snow at the end of November last year, my mum is going to give me and the girls some yummy treats now, Purrr, Purrr, so I will catch up again very soon, so please come back and read my blog, that will be so very purrfect. luv loads.
Tigerlily xx Willow xx Gypsy xx and our woofy friends Denzil xx Merlin xx
Great pictures! How odd that you are having such warm weather. But maybe that's nice, since winter is coming? Have a great day! :)